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Cyber Immune operating system KasperskyOS

A new approach to protecting the internet of things (IoT), transportation, industrial automation (IIoT) and other IT infrastructures with high cybersecurity requirements

KasperskyOS-based solutions

The modern world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Cars, planes, power plants, factories, as well as the infrastructure of smart cities and smart homes, are all interconnected. The convergence of the IT and OT worlds means that a cybersecurity incident can cause both economic and physical damage. The question is not if a business will be attacked, but when. The cybersecurity industry is evolving into a technological race between hackers and IT professionals, with hackers often gaining the upper hand.
To shift this paradigm, Kaspersky has developed the Cyber Immune approach, which focuses on creating systems that are secure by design, protected at the code and architecture levels. This includes its proprietary KasperskyOS, a platform for developing products that are inherently secure and do not necessitate additional spending on protection.

Kaspersky IoT Secure Gateway

Protecting the internet of things at the Cyber Immune gateway level

Kaspersky Thin Client

Cyber Immune and functional thin client infrastructure

Benefits of Cyber Immune products based on KasperskyOS

KasperskyOS is the first operating system capable of creating products based on Kaspersky Cyber Immunity®. These products can perform their critical functions even in an aggressive environment with no additional security features.

Mitigation of cyber-risks
A properly designed and verified Cyber Immune system is capable of withstanding even unknown threats
Business process continuity support
The Cyber Immune approach ensures the reliability and predictability of system operations, minimizes the risk of incidents, and reduces related downtime
Reduced spending on cybersecurity products
A Cyber Immune system is able to save resources on purchasing, updating and maintaining additional security products and significantly reduces the cost of software updates for the system itself because it is secure by design
The new Kaspersky Cyber Immunity®-based approach to information security

Key technologies

KasperskyOS combines Kaspersky's expertise in the information security field, the company's patented technologies and the world's best practices in developing inherently secure specialized operating systems such as MILS and FLASK.

Kaspersky Cyber Immunity®

The Cyber Immune approach at the heart of KasperskyOS enables the creation of inherently secure and safe (secure by design) systems that can perform their functions in an aggressive environment without additional (applied) security features.


A key architectural component that ensures the reliability of the operating system. It is the microkernel that ensures process isolation and the application of security monitor solutions. Increased requirements for kernel security make it necessary to move as many functions as possible out of the kernel, keeping only the most critical inside. A minimal kernel size means a minimal attack surface, as well as minimizing potential errors and strict code control, thus minimizing vulnerabilities.

Kaspersky Security Monitor

Security monitor checks every interaction of isolated system components with each other and with the kernel for compliance with the security policy. Any interaction that is not explicitly allowed by the security policy is prohibited.

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