Security incidents digest, April 2014
April 2014 was destined to be the month ‘when Windows XP’ died, but this didn’t happen. The ‘Heartbleed’ bug outshone everything else. Still, there were incidents (unrelated to Heartbleed) worth mentioning.
3 articles
April 2014 was destined to be the month ‘when Windows XP’ died, but this didn’t happen. The ‘Heartbleed’ bug outshone everything else. Still, there were incidents (unrelated to Heartbleed) worth mentioning.
Due to the intensity of recent incidents, we have decided to release our security digests more often. From now on, it will be released every two weeks. Since March 20th
In December 2013 information security incidents proliferated, unfortunately. Even if the number of incidents remained within the average values, their significance, alas, was not moderate. The interests of millions of