How my iPhone got double-stolen, episode 2
A new scam aims to unlink a stolen iPhone from the victim’s Apple ID so it will fetch a higher price.
8 articles
A new scam aims to unlink a stolen iPhone from the victim’s Apple ID so it will fetch a higher price.
How cybercriminals blocked Marcie’s iPhone, and how to avoid a similar fate.
If the rumours are true, 40 million Apple iCloud accounts have been hacked.
Just took your new iPad out of the box? Here we explain how to make it more secure and easy to use
With the release of iOS 8, Apple claims it can’t access the personal data on your iPhones and iPads and it can’t give it to authorities. But it seems there’s a catch.
The biggest concern about Apple Pay is that one’s iCloud account now controls not only private photos, app data, and messages, but also money. You lose your password – you lose everything and as the celebrity hack showed us, there is no need to hack Apple’s servers. Social engineering, phishing, trojans – all cybercriminal tools will now be targeted at people’s electronic wallets.
The Apple iCloud nude celebrity photo fiasco underscores the uncomfortable reality that even the savvy among us aren’t totally sure about what goes on and into “the Cloud.”
Don’t want your private photos or credit card posted somewhere on the web? You should rethink your approach to cloud services then.