Cybersecurity for the Next Generation – Who Are You?

We were able to sit down with the students and graduates who present their researches at Kaspersky Lab`s “Cybersecurity for the Next Generation” students conference that took place last week

We were able to sit down with the students and graduates who present their researches at Kaspersky Lab`s “Cybersecurity for the Next Generation” students conference that took place last week in Ecuador. They expressed to us their hopes, challenges and plans for future.


Presenter: Galoget Latorre

Title of the work: Reverse Engineering: How to create a Basic Environment for Malware Analysis oriented to Undergraduate Students

University: National Polytechnic School of Ecuador

“I learned of this students conference because my university is hosting the event.  For me, personally, it’s a good opportunity to meet international cybersecurity experts and other specialists in the field. I decided to take part in the conference, first of all, because cybersecurity is my passion. Additionally, being chosen to participate is an honor and it`s a great opportunity to gain visibility in the industry in order to find a good job in the future. If my research work wins, I will implement it in the university and do my best to share my ideas with the rest of the world by delving deeper into the topic. In 5 years I see myself getting my PHD at one of the best universities in the world and working for a large IT security company like Kaspersky Lab.”


Presenter: Lilia Elena Gonzalez

Title of the work: Performance comparison of a distance classifier and a feed-forward neural network in the classification of malware variants

University: La Salle University

“I found out about the conference through Fabio Assolini’s Twitter (@assolini). I’m here because I wanted to know how useful my approach could be for the cybersecurity industry. I believe winning will be a good experience for me in general. In 5 years, I see myself in malware research and analysis.”


Presenter:  Jaqueline Carmilema

Title of the work: Detection and Mitigation of MITM Attacks in Storage Cloud Infrastructures

University: National Polytechnic School of Ecuador

“I’m really happy that Kaspersky Lab supports the research of young professionals. In my opinion, a conference like this is a good chance to present my research and become familiar with industry experts. If my work wins, I would first take a vacation. After, I will do my best to share my research with the security community. In the future, I see myself managing my own company.”


Presenter: Franklin Onofa

Title of the work: Collecting Electronic Evidence of Email Forging using SMTP Headers and Wireshark

University: National Polytechnic School of Ecuador

“I learned about the conference from my teacher at the National Polytechnic School of Ecuador who knew my interest in cybersecurity and advised me to take part.  Participation, itself, is a great challenge for me – handling the big audience and presenting in a foreign language.  If my work wins, I will be really proud of myself and will continue development on the subject. In 5 years, I want to receive my masters degree abroad.”


Presenter: Wilson Castro

Title of the work: Performing and Detecting NOP Sled Exploitation against the NetBIOS Service in Windows Systems

University: National Polytechnic School of Ecuador

“My teacher from National Polytechnic School of Ecuador motivated me to take part in this conference and I’m glad that he did so. IT security is a very important topic nowadays and my participation here will make an impact on my future. In 5 years, I see myself working for Kaspersky Lab or if not – any other security company as a Malware researcher. Another option I see for myself is to have my own business in IT security.”


Presenter: Johanna Malla

Title of the work: Blue Bugging Attack on Cell Phones with Bluetooth Technology

University: National Polytechnic School of Ecuador

“I found out about the conference through the National Polytechnic School of Ecuador’s website. I decided to participate because I believe that my research is really interesting for the public. If my work wins, I will continue developing and researching the topic. In the future, I see myself having my own business and doing new projects.”


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