Digital Wellbeing
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We believe that technology and innovation should improve lives and strengthen mental welfare – not harm it. Explore our content hub to discover positive digital habits and develop mindful and trustworthy relationships with everyday technology. In other words, it will help you live your best digital life.

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Shareaware Hub
It’s never too late to take control of your online presence. Take our quiz and learn more about how to ‘Share Aware’ to get the most from your social media accounts.
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Has someone ever shared your personal information without your permission to either shame or harm you? If so, we will help you make sure it never happens again.
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How people are changing their social media behavior in their quest for digital balance. Which option would you choose?

Although most people are used to social media, many of us are still working out how to balance its positives and negatives. Yet, we’re making progress, with 70% of people* changing their attitude to social media due to its potential negative impact on mental health.

38% limited or reduced the amount of time they spend on social media 30% stopped getting involved in online discussions 24% followed more positive influencers/accounts 17% followed more people who struggle with the same things as them 15% deleted or deactivated a social media account 13% came off social media altogether for a period

*According to Kaspersky’s study “Our Changing Relationship with Social Media”, 2021

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