A wave of Telegram hacks hits: How to protect your account
Avoid the phishing bait and protect your Telegram account
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Avoid the phishing bait and protect your Telegram account
With many people filing their taxes online, cybercriminals focus on making money with tax-related phishing schemes.
A lot of mobile apps and Web services rated for any age can actually expose your kids to scary content. We have tips on how to deal with that.
You can’t look over your kids’ shoulders every second, but you can restrict their access to certain websites.
We tend to fall into two camps with password complexity: complex but difficult to remember versus easy to remember but hackable. Is there a third option?
Browser extensions are handy, but they can also be really dangerous. Here’s what can go wrong and what you can do about it.
Simple passwords are easy to crack, complex ones hard to remember. Using one strong password for all logins isn’t safe. What’s the solution?
When you want to save money by buying an antivirus from untrusted online sellers, you ultimately risk your money and might land in trouble afterwards.
Facebook sends so many notifications that sometimes it’s tempting just to turn them off. We tell you how to do it — or how to adjust them so they don’t take over your life.
Do you use NAS for backup? We’ll tell you how to protect it from new threats
Can’t resist the convenience of free Wi-Fi? Here’s a way to make it secure.
Some habits, at first glance, seem to have nothing at all to do with security. However, looks can be deceiving.
Getting a job in cybersecurity, loving it, and keeping it.
Let’s celebrate by sharing some advice with those who need it. Here are five tips you can use to help your friends and relatives stay safe online.
A few more tips about gaming accounts safety, or How to protect your Steam, Uplay, Origin, battle.net and so on.
Android users have the largest selection of mobile apps, but that means they are also exposed to the most threats. Avoid mobile malware by following some basic security rules.
We hope that you find these five papers helpful in building out training for your staff
Can I interest you in a nice, long, legally binding document? It’ll only take a few hours and maybe a law degree. No? You’re not alone.