Larger than meets the eye: xDedic follow-up
It now appears the number of servers bought and sold via xDedic might have been underestimated; it’s likely many more IPs have been compromised by xDedic players.
203 articles
It now appears the number of servers bought and sold via xDedic might have been underestimated; it’s likely many more IPs have been compromised by xDedic players.
Theoretically, every business should have already learned how to protect itself against ransomware. Actually it’s not the case.
This year is the 120th since the invention of a tin foil hat – simple to produce and very efficient information security tool, preventing those warping and state-altering attacks targeted at our minds.
Kaspersky Security Analyst Summit has begun! In this post we’re running a liveblog from the event – thoughts and impressions of the participants, updated in real time. So everybody’s welcome!
Have you ever considered your smart office from an IT security viewpoint? Did it occur to you that by equipping your office with devices designed to provide life’s comforts, cybercriminals are handed even more opportunity to gain access to your corporate information and even to cause physical damage?
The experience of forgetting information you trust a digital device to remember for you is called Digital Amnesia. Digital Amnesia’s impact on businesses can range from mere inconvenience to something far more serious.
Kaspersky Lab’s Intrusion Detection Systems now detects RDP brutforce attack attempts, and the statistics gathered since early June looks quite displeasing.
Yesterday marked the 10 year anniversary of the first smartphone malware being discovered. Today, Cabir worm looks harmless: it doesn’t steal money or passwords, nor does it delete users’ data. But it drains the battery within
Everyone urges you to invent unique and complicated passwords for each service you use. However, complicated passwords are difficult to memorize, which can lead to a serious problem, especially if
We are continuously watching how law enforcement agencies around the world fight cybercrime. With help from the IT industry and experience gained over the years, these agencies have been able
Your device faces a variety of online threats everyday; choosing the best possible protection is vital to guarding its safety. Learn more about the newest version of PURE with the