Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Services provides the latest and most authoritative cyber security data and analysis enabling Munich Airport to stay ahead of cybercriminals.
Munich Airport is one of the largest in Europe[1]. Therefore, it is important the airport continuously strengthens its security capabilities and profile. In order to be constantly informed about the global threat landscape and the methods and tactics of cybercriminals, Munich Airport relies on Kaspersky's Threat Intelligence[2].
Munich Airport had an annual passenger volume of almost 50 million in 2019. Before COVID-19 impacted air travel, more than 100 airlines operated from Munich flying to 250 destinations in 75 countries every year. Given the size, complexity and critical infrastructure role of a major airport like Munich, maintaining a sophisticated and comprehensive IT security profile is a top priority. Customers, airlines, retailers, airport administrators and numerous other support organizations all rely on live data, and fully functioning IT systems, to keep airport traffic moving smoothly and safely to its destinations.
Munich Airport relies on Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Services
In 2018, discussions began between Marc Lindike, Head of the Cyber Defense and Information Security Hub at Munich Airport, and Kaspersky’s German team to identify the cybersecurity services that could help bolster the airport’s defenses. As a result, a trial of key components from Kaspersky’s Threat Intelligence portfolio[3] began, enabling Marc Lindike and his team to fully assess performance, suitability, and cost effectiveness – they are still in use to this day.
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Intelligence Reporting delivers exclusive, proactive access to Kaspersky’s current investigations and insights, revealing the methods, tactics and tools used by cybercriminals. Kaspersky’s reports detail how each attack works, where they originate and what kind of infrastructure is likely to be targeted. Indicators of Compromise – pieces of forensic data unearthed by Kaspersky experts – provide Munich Airport with direct actionable intelligence that enables them to strengthen their firewalls and other intrusion detection systems.
Marc Lindike and his team also trialed and purchased Kaspersky Threat Lookup[4], enabling real-time searches of huge volumes of data, collected, categorized, and analyzed by Kaspersky, providing global visibility on threats and their interconnections. Here, the user can upload suspicious files or objects for analysis and receive all relevant information about the items that Kaspersky has captured over the decades.
Finally, Munich Airport subscribed to a range of Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds[5], providing live updates every 10 minutes, 24/7, on the latest, emerging malware threats and other suspicious activity.
"These analyses and continuous reports on the tactics and tools used in cyberespionage campaigns are masterminded by Kaspersky's globally recognized Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT)," explains Christian Milde, General Manager Central Europe at Kaspersky. "Our GreAT experts are among the most skilled, experienced and successful APT hunters in the industry, providing immediate alerts on changes they detect in tactics used by cybercriminal organizations."
Marc Lindike, Head of the Cyber Defense and Information Security Hub at Munich Airport says: “Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Services plays a very important role in helping us protect everyone working here at Munich Airport against cyberattacks. It helps us get a much more complete picture of the worldwide threat landscape and how Munich Airport might be affected. The Threat Intelligence Portal provides easy and comfortable access to Threat Data Feeds, APT reports and the Threat Lookup service, as well as a helpful API (Application Program Interface) and tools to implement automated data processing into our existing security solutions.”
The full case study with Munich Airport is available at https://media.kaspersky.com/en/business-security/case-studies/TI_Marketing_Case_Study_Munich_Airport_Customer_0621_EN_GLB.pdf
Useful Links:
- Case study with Munich Airport: https://media.kaspersky.com/en/business-security/case-studies/TI_Marketing_Case_Study_Munich_Airport_Customer_0621_EN_GLB.pdf
- Kaspersky Threat Intelligence: https://www.kaspersky.com/enterprise-security/threat-intelligence